Take it One Day at a Time!
This month we are going to explore 6 different pathways you can take after high school. We want you to be set up for a career path that allows you to achieve your goals and support yourself and others in your life. However, we don't believe the same path is best for everyone, so you get to choose!

Set up a time to check in with your Mentoring Specialist concerning graduation status and desired post-secondary plan. If there has been an update or change in the plan, please share that with your Mentoring Specialist.
Future Planning: November
Workforce development program or straight into the workforce?
While this option may be a bit more risky than other paths, with a focused plan, you can start a successful career path without more formal education. Consider:
- Internships: if you have some idea of jobs or careers you’d like to explore, internships can be a good opportunity. You can use Linkedin, Indeed, and Chegg to explore opportunities.
- AmeriCorp: you do not make a lot of money, but it can provide meaningful experience to launch you into future careers
- Job Corps Has one location in Denver. You live on-site, they train you in specific careers, and all expenses are paid.
- Goodwill offers a training program to get you into banking jobs
- Colorado Workforce Centers provide a variety of employment and job searching services. You can find some things online but the best is to find the closest in-person center and stop by.
- If interested in starting your own business (entrepreneurial), Dave Ramsey has a good course
- Working up towards management in entry level jobs
- Look into salary ranges of managers where you work or are thinking about getting an entry level job. Ex. Restaurants, retail, entertainment (movie theaters, Jumpoline, Boondocks, etc.). Think through if that salary is something you could support yourself and a family on. Weigh that with the hours you are expected to work, job responsibilities, stress level, etc. to decide if that is the path you would like to take.
- Ask to talk to your manager or a manager at a place you are thinking of to ask them what their experience has been like. What are the pros and cons from their perspective.
Read this article for tips and things to keep in mind!
Before you move on to Option 2, ask yourself: On a scale of 0-10, how much does this option interest me?
Trade school, apprenticeship, or certificate program
Do you enjoy more hands-on learning? These options allow for a less formal learning process and programs range from 6-18 months in length. This is one of the quickest ways to get into a decent paying job. Consider:
Trade Programs
- Check out the trade programs offered at technical schools in the Denver Metro area such as Emily Griffith and Warren Tech (other schools include Pickens Technical College and Pima Medical Center).
- Master’s Apprentice was started by SOY to provide six weeks of soft skills training. Most participants have multiple job offers at the end of the 6 weeks making at least $40,000/year with a path to be making $60,000 after a few years.
Certificate programs have some overlap with trades but check out course catalogs at Arapahoe Community College or Community College of Aurora. Other resources you an utilize:
- Career Advance Colorado is offering fully paid for programs in industries we are going to “desperately” need workers in. Things like construction, education, and nursing
- If having some extra personal development and support as you pursue a certificate would be helpful, check out Crosspurpose
- Fully online certificate or four-year degree with lots of extra support can be found at: Advance EDU
Before you move on to Option 3, ask yourself: On a scale of 0-10, how much does this option interest me?
Community college
A community college is the most affordable way to start your college journey. Many programs mentioned above can be completed at a community college. However, you can also earn a 2-year general associate degree or start the first two years of a specific track program and transfer for a bachelor’s degree after 2 years!
Thanks to different grants, scholarships, and aid, the majority of SOY mentees won’t pay anything out of pocket for tuition and books at a community college. Courses can be online or in-person, and there’s typically not a minimum GPA or testing requirement.
This is a great option for someone who desires to continue their education but maybe not sure what you want to do long-term yet.
The main community colleges in the Denver area are:
- Arapahoe Community College
- Community College of Denver
- Community College of Aurora
- Red Rocks Community College
- Front Range Community College
Before you move on to Option 4, ask yourself: On a scale of 0-10, how much does this option interest me?
Four-year college or university
If you want a bachelor’s degree and/or a career field that requires it, a four-year college is a great route to go.
- Cost is often a main concern you might have. Use this cost calculator to get a better idea, but this doesn’t account for financial aid and scholarships you’ll likely receive. So it is also helpful to look at Federal Aid estimation.
- There is also potential funding for mentees in Colorado who are not U.S. citizens (download the Dreamers Resource Guide to learn more).
- Do NOT let cost deter you from applying! Most applications are free and you can see how much financial aid you’d get. Other scholarships can help cover the difference. You can decide once you see all your options.
- Each college has minimum GPA, test scores, etc. so check out a couple school’s websites that you are thinking of to see if you meet those.
Keep in mind that if you attend a college out of state, tuition will be more (exceptions are New Mexico, Nebraska, and Hawaii) The main schools in Colorado our mentees consider include CU (Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, and Anschutz medical), CSU (Fort Collins, Pueblo, CSU global online, and Denver SPUR campus), UNC (Greeley), Metro (Denver), DU (Denver), Western (Gunnison), CMU (Grand Junction),
Before you move on to Option 5, ask yourself: On a scale of 0-10, how much does this option interest me?
A lot of young people do very well with this pathway if you are unsure what next steps you want to do, but would thrive in a structured environment, would like future promotion opportunities and/or college fully paid for, and a good amount of life-long benefits even after leaving the military. However, don’t just join for the “benefits.” You must also consider the cost (you can get deployed and/or stationed in combat situations). Check out these resources to learn:
- “10 Things You Should Know Before You Join the Military“
- Overview of the military branches
- Info on the US Army Reserves and Army National Guard
Before you move on to Option 6, ask yourself: On a scale of 0-10, how much does this option interest me?
Gap year
This is a good option if you want to work, save up, and take time to explore options further. If you’re still connected with your mentor and they are available to continue meeting, you can stay a part of SOY during this gap year. We will facilitate goal-setting to set some clear expectations and a pathway to help you figure out what you want to do long-term.
After reviewing this option, ask yourself: On a scale of 0-10, how much does this option interest me?
Action Steps
Now that you have seen all the options, discuss the following:
- Do you know which option you for sure want to do? Or at least a top 2-3? If not, that is ok! Keep giving it some thought and plan with your mentor on what would help you decide. If you are unsure, just keep following the monthly newsletters which will help you get some applications submitted which never hurts to keep your options open (you can always decline attending somewhere once accepted)
- You might have other specific questions or concerns. Fill in the sentence… “I would like to do ______ but I am unsure about ______.” Or “I know I want to _______ but I don’t know _________.” Feel free to explore those questions together and/or talk to your mentoring specialist for ideas on how to find answers to those questions.
- If helpful, set up an appointment with an admissions counselor at a school you’re considering. Set up a couple of campus visits, such as a community college and a four-year university. Or talk to someone in the desired field if you are thinking trade school or straight to the workforce.
- Remember that we are providing access to a Career Assessment tool through Willow Education. If you have not completed yet, please reference our October blog.
- If your heart is set on military, gap year, or directly entering the workforce, some of the future monthly newsletters might not be perfectly applicable. Let your mentoring specialist know and we’ll give you some alternative next steps.